Unusual 1940s Names for Girls

Unusual 1940s girl names

Looking for baby name ideas for a daughter? If you're a retro mom (or dad) who loves all things vintage, including throwback baby names, our list of unusual girl names from the 1940s contains a ton of interesting name relics.

To create this list, we combed through the U.S. Social Security Administration's historical baby name data and picked out the names that met the following criteria: the name was bestowed on more baby girls in the 1940s than any other decade in recorded baby name history; the name was used for at least 1,000 baby girls during that peak decade; and finally, the name had to be outside the Top 100 1940s' Girl Names as we wanted to uncover some hidden gems that other baby name lists covering 1940s' girl names might have missed (so no Barbara and Bonnie, Joyce and Judith on this list). Happy name hunting!