Old Girl Names That Start with S

Old S-names for girls

Expecting a baby girl and looking for the perfect name for your little princess? If you have a penchant for vintage baby names, particularly those that start with the letter S, we're here to help. From literary Sibyl to biblical Sharon to nature-inspired Sylvia, here's a list of old-fashioned girl names starting with S.

  1. Sallie. A spelling variation of Sally.
  2. Sally. A popular choice for a daughter in the 1940s and 50s, Sally hasn't managed to stage a comeback.
  3. Sammie. A sweet and sassy throwback name.
  4. Sandra. A permanent resident on the baby name charts in the 1940s, 50s and 60s.
  5. Sandy. A mid-century relic ignored by today's parents. It would take a gutsy couple to revive this relic of a name.
  6. Selma. A solid but not overused choice for a daughter in the first half of the 20th century, Selma hasn't managed to gain fans in the contemporary U.S.
  7. Shari. A mid-century wonder on the brink of extinction in the modern world.
  8. Sharon. Boy has this old biblical name fallen a long way from its glory days. But if you're looking for that element of surprise, a baby called Sharon would not go unnoticed.
  9. Sheryl. This name was perfectly on-trend in the 1960s when one its most visible bearers, Sheryl Crow, was born. Today, baby Sheryls are thin on the ground, so if you're looking for that element of surprise, a baby called Sheryl would definitely stand out on the playground.
  10. Sudie. There's a whole host of ie-ending old-fashioned girl names that are making a comeback, but Sudie isn't one of them.
  11. Shirley. A mid-century moniker that just might appeal to the intrepid baby namer.
  12. Sue. This slim, trim moniker has seen better days.
  13. Susan. A mid-century hit best left in the past, or a cool vintage name worth a look? You decide.
  14. Susie. A sweet vintage find to one person; a dusty, over-the-hill moniker to another.
  15. Suzan. A variation of Susan.
  16. Sybil. A true retro gem with literary overtones.
  17. Sylvia. With its roots in the Latin word 'silva', meaning 'forest', this name could be perfect if your goal is to cultivate a love of nature in your little girl. Saint Sylvia lends the name a religious dimension.