Bird Baby Names: 8 Great Unisex Choices

Unisex bird baby names

A sub-category of animal names, bird-inspired baby names are flying high in the popularity stakes. If you're looking for a bird-inspired name for your baby girl or boy but would like to use something gender-neutral, here are eight unisex bird names you might want to consider.


A hugely popular bird-inspired baby name that works for both girls and boys.


Robin leaps from the tree tops to the playground with ease.


Nicole Richie and Joel Madden helped put this unisex name on the map when they used it for their son back in 2009.


A tribute to the peregrine falcon; Catholic parents may appreciate the link to the medieval saint Peregrine Laziosi.


Aquila means "eagle" in Latin. Who knew?!


One of the growing group of birds that lend themselves to gender-neutral baby names.


Derived from the Welsh word aderyn, meaning "bird", Deryn counts as both a Welsh name and a nature name.


A striking bird—and baby name.


A small name with a multitude of meanings. If you're a bird lover, you may like its Welsh meaning ("birds").