Catholic Girl Names

Catholic girl names

Looking for a Catholic name for a baby girl? Traditional Catholic girl names include Elizabeth, Chloe, Mary, Lucy and Josephine, but there are also plenty of options for those who prefer something a bit more unusual. Whether you're after a popular Catholic name or want to step off the beaten path, you'll find plenty of ideas below:

30 Classic Catholic Girl Names

  1. Elizabeth. Biblical classic that never seems to go out of style.
  2. Chloe. A mellifluous moniker with an appealing biblical namesake: In the New Testament, Chloe is a prominent Christian woman and an acquaintance of Paul the Apostle.
  3. Grace. Virtue name and saint's name on one.
  4. Lucy. Lovely classic with a saintly connection.
  5. Josephine. This name has a lot going for it: a beautiful sound, great nickname potential, and Catholic cachet via St. Josephine.
  6. Anna. The name of a New Testament prophetess.
  7. Mary. Catholic choice that needs no introduction!
  8. Victoria. Gorgeous classic girl name borne by a number of Catholic saints.
  9. Lydia. An early Christian convert mentioned in the New Testament. As a baby name, Lydia is best described as a "quiet classic", a name that has been in steady use throughout history but never been chart-toppingly popular.
  10. Maria. Mary in a number of languages.
  11. Rose. This beautiful flower has a long and multi-faceted tradition as a Catholic symbol, and if that's not enough, there's also St. Rose, the patron saint of Latin America.
  12. Margaret. Saint's name with a beautiful meaning ("pearl").
  13. Cecilia. Beautiful Catholic classic with saintly credentials.
  14. Lucia. The original Latin version of Lucy.
  15. Faith. Evokes both the virtue and the 2nd-century saint sisters Faith, Hope and Charity.
  16. Juliana. A saint-inspired baby name with a bunch of easy, natural nicknames.
  17. Hope. Virtue name, as well as a saintly choice via the venerated sister set Faith, Hope and Charity.
  18. Jane. The anglicized form of the French Jeanne, the name of several Catholic saints.
  19. Joanna. The name of a woman who was healed by Jesus and who then became one of his most devoted followers.
  20. Catherine. A well-loved saint's name with royal cred and many nicknames to choose from.
  21. Rosemary. Two Catholic names merged into one beautiful appellation.
  22. Madeleine. Solid Catholic choice for a girl.
  23. Laura. Solid, sensible girl name with saintly and literary credentials.
  24. Frances. If you pick this one, your child will have a lot of notable namesakes to look up to as she grows up: Frances Fisher, Frances McDormand, Frances Cleveland, and of course, St. Frances of Rome.
  25. Carmen. For some, Carmen is a compelling classic with saintly cachet; for others, it's a dusty, musty moniker with a mid-century vibe.
  26. Beatrice. Strong, saintly and elegant appellation.
  27. Anne. Short, simple classic with saintly, royal, and literary cred.
  28. Christina. Multi-dimensional moniker with an impressive array of historical and contemporary representatives, from ancient European royals to pop stars to Catholic saints.
  29. Martha. In the Bible, Martha is one half of the famous "Mary and Martha" sister-duo who welcomed Jesus to their home.
  30. Barbara. Charming classic with saintly credentials, or a clunky mid-century moniker? We'll let you be the judge.

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