Classic Boy Names That End in D

D ending classic boy names

So you're looking for a handsome classic boy name that ends in the letter D? David leads the pack, but that's just one example. For more ideas, here's our selection of classic boy names ending in D:

  1. David: David originally comes from the Bible but appeals to a range of parents in the modern world.
  2. Richard: There have been kings, saints, great sportsmen, and Nobel Prize winners all sporting the name Richard. Talk about a name with historic and cultural cred!
  3. Edward: Regal and saintly, Edward never seems to fall too far out of favor.
  4. Raymond: For some, Raymond is a timeless classic with saintly credentials, a cool built-in nickname, and a strong literary pedigree; for others, it's a musty moniker not suitable for a modern boy. What do you think?
  5. Leland: Traditional and steady but not plagued by overuse, Leland is a great example of a "quiet classic".
  6. Conrad: A handsome classic with saintly credentials, or a hopelessly outdated appellation? You decide.
  7. Ronald: A neglected classic with presidential cred.
  8. Donald: We say Donald, you say Trump. But history has also seen plenty of other notable Donalds, including poet Donald Hall, actor Donald Sutherland, and politician Donald Rumsfeld—to mention a few.
  9. Leonard: An old name with saintly credentials.
  10. Roland: An unfairly neglected classic with saintly bona fides, or a mid-century moniker not quite ready for a comeback? We'll let you be the judge.
  11. Alfred: If you're after a traditional name that's instantly familiar but rarely heard on today's playgrounds, here's a cast-aside classic begging for revival.
  12. Howard: A traditional byos' name that's flying nicely under-the-radar at the moment.
  13. Harold: Some see Harold as a charming classic with royal heritage from medieval English kings Harold I and Harold II; for others, it's a dusty, over-the-hill appellation best left in mothballs.
  14. Gerald: An old saint's name with a presidential sheen.
  15. Edmund: A currently neglected classic with saintly credentials.
  16. Clifford: Though suffering from a somewhat dowdy, dated image at the moment, we think the classic Clifford will eventually regain popularity. Want to be ahead of the curve?
  17. Bernard: A currently underused classic with saintly cachet.
  18. Gerard: Just one letter away from Gerald we have Gerard, another name borrowed from a saint.
  19. Arnold: A forgotten classic with saintly associations.
  20. Lloyd: A currently overlooked classic of Welsh origin.
  21. Fred: Much more than a nickname for Frederick, Fred was a regular on U.S. Top 100 baby name charts until mid-20th century.
  22. Floyd: A forgotten Welsh classic.