Girl Names from the Old Testament

Old Testament Girl Names

Are you looking for biblical girl names that trace their origins to the Old Testament? Abigail stands as the currently most popular Old Testament name for baby girls, followed by Naomi, Hannah, Leah, Delilah, Genesis and Sarah. Some of these names have held strong on the list of the Top Girls' Names for decades, while others, like Genesis, are relatively new to the American baby name scene.

Common names aside, the Old Testament also provides a treasure trove of unusual and unique baby name ideas. For example, many biblical place names known to us from the Old Testament have great baby name potential but have yet to be discovered by today's parents.

On this page, you'll find a vast collection of Old Testament girl names covering all sides of the popularity spectrum, from popular choices to unusual appellations to unique options. First, let's look at some of the more popular choices.

Popular Girl Names Borrowed from the Old Testament

If your taste in baby names runs to the conventional and grounded, here's a list of the currently most popular Old Testament names for girls:

  1. Abigail. A beautiful name borne by two biblical women, both associated with King David: one is his sister, the other is his beautiful wife.
  2. Naomi. Ruth's mother-in-law and the great great-grandmother of King David bears a beautiful name with plenty of contemporary pop culture cred.
  3. Hannah. A beloved baby name belonging to the prophet Samuel's mother.
  4. Leah. Baby names don't have to be long to make an impression—Leah is proof of that.
  5. Delilah. A modern favorite, despite the difficult biblical story of Samson and Delilah...
  6. Genesis. A striking biblical baby name that seems to speak to the current zeitgeist. Alicia Keys has a son called Genesis.
  7. Sarah. With its lovely classic feel, the staple Sarah might be just the right kind of name for your family if you want to walk the tried-and-tested route when naming your baby girl. Sara is a spelling variation.
  8. Eden. This one is perfectly in step with current trends!
  9. Esther. A charming comeback name that's rapidly losing its "old lady" image. In the Bible, this name belongs to the brave and resourceful woman who saved Jewish people from a genocidal plot.
  10. Ruth. This Old Testament name may be short on letters—but not on style.
  11. Ada. If you see Ada as a variation of Adah, then yes, this popular name counts as a biblical appellation, being borne by two Old Testament characters.
  12. Ariel. Related to the Hebrew word for "lion", Ariel is used as a symbolic name for Jerusalem in the The Book of Isaiah.
  13. Rachel. This popular Old Testament girl name holds biblical significance as one of the two wives of the patriarch Jacob.
  14. Miriam. A solid biblical girl's name belonging to an Old Testament prophetess.
  15. Rebecca. (or Rebekah). In the Bible, Rebekah is the wife of Isaac and the second matriarch in Genesis (Sarah being the first). In the baby name world, it's a classic that continues to appeal generation after generation.
  16. Shiloh. A biblical place name that has made an astonishingly quick leap from obscurity to prominence. Its most famous bearer: Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
  17. Sarai. The original name of Sarah. As an American baby name, Sarai has only began to get wider notice this century.
  18. Salem. Pick this unisex baby name with biblical place name panache, and you'll be good even if your baby turns out not to be a girl.
  19. Eve. Brisk, brief and symmetric, Eve commands attention.
  20. Hadassah. The Hebrew version of Esther.

Old Testament Girl Names from A to Z

Not everyone wants to give their daughter a common name. In fact, unusual and unique biblical girl names are getting a lot of attention from twenty-first-century parents, and many Old Testament names that were considered too offbeat in the past feel perfectly baby-appropriate today.

If you're looking for a less common baby girl name that's rooted in the Old Testament, check out our A-to-Z list of unusual Old Testament girl names below: